What distinguishes between a CharityHowTo webinar and a workshop?

A CharityHowTo webinar offers comprehensive instructional sessions, typically focusing on practical tactics and providing step-by-step guidance where applicable. Led by esteemed experts renowned in their field, these webinars draw from the wealth of experience gained through years of hands-on work within nonprofits or consulting extensively in the sector. Typically lasting one to one and a half hours, webinars offer high value and interactivity to participants.

On the other hand, a CharityHowTo workshop delves deeper into the subject matter, fostering greater interactivity among participants. Featuring breakout sessions, worksheets, and supplementary materials, workshops provide a more immersive learning experience. Similarly, only top-tier experts are entrusted to lead CharityHowTo workshops, following a rigorous vetting process to ensure their profound knowledge and expertise. Workshops may span multiple days or sessions, allowing for in-depth exploration of topics over several hours.